South Asia – Training and Education

Are you interested in forming discipleship relationships through educational interactions? We are looking for teachers/professionals who understand how people learn in different cultures. Help individuals create better lives for themselves, their families, and their communities through education.
Opportunities exist in the areas of literacy, computers, and TESOL. Come join our holistic church planting team and see God transform lives among Muslims in South Asia.

The role includes developing tools to help meet the educational needs of the people you serve. Workers will need to be flexible and responsive to the felt needs within the community and be learners themselves, willing to research new training and educational opportunities.
As part of a holistic church planting team, the Leadership Developer will live among and learn the language and culture of an unreached people group in South Asia. They will engage and encourage national leaders, sharing personal successes and failures as they equip them to evangelize and disciple believers and to spread the gospel.

Ideal candidates for this position have a missionary mindset, can adopt new ideas, are willing to take risks, and will use critical thinking skills to evaluate missiological and innovative strategies. They will have:
- Formal Biblical Studies or equivalent experience
- Three to five years of church/ministry leadership experience (preferred)
- Experience with evangelism and discipleship
- A solid commitment to the spiritual disciplines (i.e., Bible reading, prayer, etc.)
- Willingness to learn how to speak and communicate fluently in the local language

The Training and Education worker will collaborate with a team to provide mutual encouragement and accountability. They will:
- Establish and maintain positive, local relationships.
- Discover the educational or training opportunities that will best serve the community. Create an informed plan and implement the strategy with the goal of assisting the church planting process.
- Share the gospel in culturally contextualized ways.
- Make disciples that make disciples.
- Network and collaborate with other trainers and educators in the community to discover better ways to serve the community