Welcome to World Team Ministries!
The focus of World Team Ministries is on building a solid foundation to support our many missionaries, workers and projects globally. This is done by financially supporting them to fill the needs not covered by their specific support.
Giving to World Team Ministries offers a distinct opportunity for our partners in ministry to help satisfy our additional needs in building a strong organization that will meet the growing demands of accomplishing our vision now and in the future. The programs and services mentioned below are vital to growing and expanding World Team’s global ministries to reach the unreached.
It is our joy to establish reproducing churches, responding to Jesus’ command to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”
Member Care Services

One of the areas in which World Team stands out among other mission agencies is in the excellent care of our missionaries and workers. Through online and in-person meetings, missionaries, workers, and support team members gather together to be educated and encouraged. These meetings are an opportunity to build community among workers who can relate to and discuss day-to-day experiences, collaborate on future projects, and celebrate the grace of God that we have each seen in our lives and ministries.
Additional services include:
- Managing insurance, medical support, and retirement programs
- Helping in times of personal transition
- Assisting with travel and safety concerns
- Technical and communication hardware and software support
- Providing encouragement and prayer support.
Developing New Fields of Ministry in the US and Worldwide

While the spread of Christianity has been significant, vast segments of the world’s population have never heard the name of Jesus nor been given a clear presentation of the message of salvation.
There are over 17,000 ethnic groups worldwide, and approximately 7,400 of them are considered unreached. That means over 40% of the world’s people groups have no indigenous community of believing Christians able to evangelize the rest of their people group. Over 42% of the world’s population lives in these unreached ethnic groups.
The World Team Expansion Project focuses on reaching unreached Muslim people groups. Islam is the world’s fastest-growing religion – and not just in Muslim-majority nations. Our researchers and field workers study locations where there may be tremendous opportunity to reach the unreached. The criteria to consider for choosing an area for mission expansion can be staggering, but with the help of local workers, a clear picture can develop of the best areas to engage for expansion.
Foreign-born and National Workers

Two vital areas of World Team are establishing international missionaries and workers in the US and developing Indigenous missionaries in countries outside the US.
We call these two groups of missionaries “foreign-born” and “national” workers. The challenge for these two groups is raising individual support. Many of them lack the connections or resources to raise support in a timely fashion. This is where World Team Ministries is essential because we assist them financially until they are able to raise their own support.
- Foreign-born Workers focus on discipling people with a shared cultural background who reside in the US. With so many people coming to the United States in recent years, there is a great need to reach many unique ethnic groups with the gospel in their native language and culture. Because our foreign-born workers are familiar with the US and are also familiar with the culture and language of the new arrival, there is a natural trust established between them.
- National Workers live outside the US and are native to the region of the country in which they minister. They know the language and have fewer cultural barriers to overcome, so they can readily share the message of Jesus Christ with those who have never heard the gospel.
Recruiting and Training New Missionaries

Effective mobilizers are essential to raising new workers for our five priority mission fields. Our mobilizers are individuals who have the desire and aptitude to meet with people from all walks of life and engage with them about the importance of missionaries at home and abroad. The mobilizers promote and raise awareness of World Team’s field and ministry openings in the following ways:
- Offer online educational seminars through social media
- Visit universities, churches, organizations, and individuals to cast a vision about partnering with World Team’s global ministry
- Host online gatherings for potential new workers, sending churches, and short-term opportunities
- Recruit, train, and send short-term workers to World Team fields throughout the year
Extraordinary General Expenses and Emergencies

As one can see, World Team has many essential parts – just like the human body and the Church. Many workers are needed to carry out these numerous ministry functions hour by hour, day by day, month by month, and year after year. Individual missionaries raise their support, but most trainers, educators, care workers, and administrative workers rely on income from gifts to World Team Ministries.
Not only are these ongoing services needed, but occasionally emergency situations occur that require people with special training and financial resources to help the missionaries and their families. Within the last few years, we’ve had medical emergency evacuations and missionaries forced to leave a country they’d lived in for years with just ten days’ notice due to political pressure on government agencies. Having a dedicated team behind our workers for these unexpected life-changing situations is vital.
Thank you!
Thank you for taking the time to learn about the many essential services of World Team Ministries. Would you prayerfully consider making a recurring or special gift and joining those ministry partners who give to this critical need?
To donate to World Team Ministries, please click on the donate button below and select World Team Ministries in the Designation Menu. Thank you!
For more information on how to give to World Team Ministries, please contact: Bob Thompson, Donor Relations, 215.492.4900 x42, bob.thompson@worldteam.org
Your financial gifts help our workers expand their reach, meet the needs of others, and fulfill their calling to cross-cultural ministry.