Tales From The INN #3
“He is shining His flashlight in my heart.”
While studying the Bible, a new believer from Central Asia said to an INN worker, “I just keep falling more and more in love with Jesus!” We are excited as “P” grows in her faith through this discipleship relationship and embraces the transformation of his Word.
“P” shared, “He is shining his flashlight in my heart.” Her life is changing from the inside out, in both small and large ways, including an increased desire to see her people group know Jesus as she does, saying, “My people need to know this about Jesus.”
INN workers often experience the Word of God with fresh eyes while studying the Bible with people from around the world. They get to see God answer prayers and transform hearts as people discover Jesus through the telling of his story and studying of His Word. INN works desire to see the diaspora reach their own people both here and in their home countries.
It’s the INN’s desire that everything we do would lead to multiplying disciples of Jesus Christ! We long to see communities transformed by the gospel, with churches planted and multiplied in the US and in their homelands.
Please pray for new believers to grow strong and bold in their faith as they interact with the INN. Pray for our workers to be encouraged and to have more opportunities as they answer the call to make disciples and to see His church established.
Surprised by a Little Girl
“They heard stories about Jesus every Saturday, but I never knew they’d be telling me about him a year later.” God is moving in the hearts of children and their families through the witness of INN workers. During a home visit with a refugee family, two INN workers were surprised when a child showed them she’d been watching videos of Jesus on her tablet. She had become curious to know more about Jesus after hearing stories of him from INN and Compass workers at a weekly playtime hosted by the INN.
When the INN workers first met her family, the mother and children spoke no English, but the team was consistent in communicating the love and truth of Jesus as best they could during ESL and home visits. Although the child would occasionally ask her new friends questions about Jesus, the INN workers were surprised to learn that in between visits, she would look on social media for more answers about Jesus. After a year had passed, the little girl divulged, “I know people need to follow ‘the Cross’ [Jesus] to make it to heaven.”
INN workers reaching the nations who are living in their own backyard face many of the same language and culture barriers to the spread of the gospel that cross-cultural workers face around the world. Most INN workers do not learn the languages spoken by the diaspora living in their cities because their new friends are eager to learn English.
By building authentic friendships through teaching English and creating community, INN workers can minister the gospel holistically to everyone in the family. These friendships naturally lead to entire families hearing the good news together from the first Christians they have ever met. Please join us in praying for families who are hearing stories of Jesus to discover him together.