Who is World Team, and where do I fit?


Join World Team to EXPLORE who we are and to discover your fit in missions.

This 4-hour virtual event is designed to share and discuss World Team’s mission, vision, central ministry focus, and guiding principles as you discover opportunities to use your gifts, skills, and abilities to serve God among the unreached. You will hear from WT global leaders and church planters from their countries of service around the world.

Join us and hear how God is at work among the nations!

“Going to EXPLORE was one of the many little steps God had me take on my journey to Compass. It gave me the opportunity to learn more about World Team, meet mobilizers and missionaries, and interact with others interested in exploring missions. EXPLORE gave me a better understanding of who World Team is and if our values, beliefs, and goals aligned. This gave me the confidence to continue taking steps forward with World Team.”

– Abby W.


10:00 – Welcome to EXPLORE WT
Josh Morrison (WT USA Mobilization Manager, USA)

10:10 – Mission, Vision, Central Ministry Focus
Pat (WT Asia Area Director, Cambodia)

10:30 – Guiding Principles: Gospel-Centered, Reliance on Prayer, Facilitative Mindset
Carolyn (WT Global Mobilisation Coordinator, France)

11:00 – Guiding Principles: Teamwork, Holistic Church Planting, Incarnational Ministry
Nathan (WT Missionary, Cameroon)

11:30 – Panel Question and Response
Pat (Cambodia), Carolyn (France), Nathan (Cameroon)

12:00 – Break

12:30 – Global Opportunities
Tom & Kristin (Philippines), Dave & Stacey (Cameroon), Cross-Cultural Workers (Central Asia), Emily (USA)

1:30 – Next Steps and Wrap Up
Josh Morrison (USA)